Community Preprint Services
Posting of unreviewed manuscripts to a community preprint server by the author(s) will not be considered prior publication, provided that the following conditions are met:
- During submission, author(s) must acknowledge preprint server posting in the cover letter and provide the link to that posting. They must also provide any reference citations and/or DOIs. If the author(s) fail to declare that there is a preprint during the initial submission process, it may be a reason for rejection.
- Versions of the manuscript that have been revised and/or edited based on the revision process cannot be posted on preprint sites.
- The preprint cannot itself have been indexed in PubMed or MEDLINE.
- Upon publication, the author(s) are responsible for updating the archived preprint with a DOI and link to the published version of the article.
Community preprints can be cited in the References at the discretion of the EIC and/or Associate Editor.