
International Educational Outreach Program

Since 1986, AAFS has fostered international professional exchange in the form of the AAFS International Educational Outreach Program (IEOP) encouraging Members to attend the many worldwide forensic science conferences. The objective of AAFS international travel is to provide opportunities to Academy members to meet with forensic science colleagues, to participate whenever possible in major international forensic science meetings, to visit laboratories and, at the same time, to experience the rich heritages and cultures of the peoples and lands to be visited. For questions concerning the Academy's IEOPs, please contact Donna Grogan.

2022 International Educational Outreach (IEOP) - Croatia

The AAFS IEOP is planning to visit Croatia in 2022 and will be attending the International Society for Applied Biological Sciences (ISABS) conference to be held in Dubrovnik June 22-27.

Previous International Educational Outreach Destinations