

Our multidisciplinary scientific membership provides opportunities and tools to maximize professional development, grow personal contacts, and engage with peers within the forensic science community. Our 6,500+ AAFS members represent all 50 United States and 71 other countries. Our membership is organized within 11 sections (disciplines), supplying access to valuable resources within specific areas of forensic science. Through new research, the development of new standards, and the adaptation of a modern world, our members are leading the progression of forensic science. 

Forge Your Legacy as a Forensic Scientist

Member Benefits

Each AAFS section provides opportunities for professional development, personal contacts, awards, and recognition. Sections may publish periodic newsletters and mailings that keep their members informed regarding activities and developments in their fields.


I didn't need much persuading when I was told I needed to join the AAFS in 1991. Most of the revered forensic document examiners in the country were Questioned Documents Section members and I knew that the latest research could be heard, and most useful workshops could be attended at their meetings. The association with other forensic practitioners from other disciplines, backgrounds, and countries was the proverbial icing on the cake. The Academy, quite simply, had a tremendous amount to offer!

- Carl McClary, MS
AAFS President 2021 - 2022