Consensus Bodies
Below are the description of the currently active Academy Standards Board Consensus Bodies. The ASB Consensus Bodies focus on establishing forensic standards in their specific disciplines. Each body is dedicated to the widespread promulgation, adoption, and enforcement of recognized standards.
Anthropology Consensus Body
The Anthropology Consensus Body will focus on standards and guidelines related to application of anthropological methods and theory, particularly those relating to the recovery and analysis of human remains.
- Donna Boyd
- Steven Byers
- Melinda Carter
- Jade De La Paz
- Angel DesMarais
- Julie Fleischman
- Diane L France
- Timothy Gocha
- Angela Harden
- Kristen Hartnett-McCann
- Anastasia Holobinko
- Carolyn Isaac
- Ryan Siedemann
- Cassandra Swart
- Rebecca Taylor
- Lindsay Trammell
- Brittany Walter
- Jason Wiersema
- Allysha Winburn
Bloodstain Pattern Analysis Consensus Body
The Bloodstain Pattern Analysis Consensus Body focuses on standards and guidelines related to the scientific detection and analysis of bloodstain patterns present at crime scenes and on associated evidence.
- Brian Clark
- Chris Engle-Tjaden
- Alison Gingras
- Jeff Gurvis
- Robert Hofstetter
- Jennifer Karschner
- Paul Kish
- Zack Kowalske
- Kenneth F Martin
- Sarah Omari
- John Paolucci
- Jennifer Preisig
- Casson Reynolds
- Susan Rinehart
- Amy Santoro
- Heidi Sievers
- Theresa Stotesbury
- Peter Valentin
- Amy Watroba
- Toby Wolson
- Jorn Yu
Crime Scene Investigation Consensus Body
The Crime Scene Investigation Consensus Body will focus on standards and guidelines related to Crime Scene Investigation.
- Katherine Brown
- Noreen Charlton
- Lisa Dilbeck
- Taryn Emswiler
- Chris Engle-Tjaden
- Christopher Flood
- Sara Getz
- Carlos Gutierrez
- Carina Haynes
- Michael P. Kessler
- Kenneth F Martin
- Kenneth Moses
- John Paolucci
- Jeffrey Parker
- Sharon Plotkin
- Kimberly Rule
- Michael Schaedler
- Martha Smith-Blackmore
- Andrew Taravella
- Rachel Touroo
- Douglas Young
- Jorn Yu
- Neil Zielinski
DNA Consensus Body
The DNA Consensus Body focuses upon the standards and guidelines related to the use of DNA in legal proceedings. It includes the development of pedigree charts as well as sample collection, preparation, analyses, and interpretation of DNA.
- Howard Baum
- Tebah Browne
- John Butler
- Cheryl Carreiro
- Jillian Conte
- Marsha Deitz (Garcia)
- Julie Demarest
- Megan Foley
- Stephen Gicale
- Jessica Goldthwaite
- Nicolas Hughes
- Amy Lee
- Steven Lee
- Chris Lindberg
- Mark Loudon-Brown
- Melissa Schwandt
- Lucia Scotto
- Rachel Singer
- Caitlyn Taveira
- Charlotte J Word, Ph.D.
Dogs and Sensors Consensus Body
Dogs and Sensors Consensus Body focuses on standards and guidelines related to performance of deployed dog/handler teams and optimization of their combination with electronic detection devices.
- Robert (Bert) Badertscher
- Mary Cablk
- Tawni Crippen
- Lauryn DeGreeff
- Matthew Devaney
- Kenneth Furton
- Robin Greubel
- Jennifer Hirakawa
- Jakub Holme
- Deana Hudgins
- Mark Lancaster
- Sonja Nordstrom
- Cynthia Otto
- Sara Suzanne (SUZY) Perry
- Katylynn Sloan
- Michele Slone
- Susan (Sue) Stejskal
- Scott Thomas
- Richard Vargus
- Teresa Zurberg
Firearms and Toolmarks Consensus Body
The Firearms and Toolmarks Consensus Body focuses on standards and guidelines related to the examination of firearm and toolmark evidence. This includes the comparison of microscopic toolmarks on bullets, cartridge cases, and other ammunition components and may also include firearm function testing, serial number restoration, muzzle-to-object distance determination, tools, and toolmarks.
- Aaron Brudenell
- Heather Dover
- Jill Dupre
- Jennifer Floyd
- Dana Gicale
- Cole Goater
- Adam Grooms
- Richard Hockensmith
- Gary McDonald
- Laura Molyneux
- Nat Pearlson
- Gene Peters
- Kate Philpott
- Robert Poole
- Robert Sanger
- Kristen Schaefer
- Kerri Scott
- Alan Serven
- Raymond Valerio
- John Wang
- Kent Weber
Footwear and Tire Consensus Body
The Footwear and Tire Consensus Body focuss on standards and guidelines related to the detection, documentation, recovery, examination, and comparison of footwear and tire evidence.
- Christine Craig
- Monika Garcia
- John Grassel
- Susan Gross
- Katherine Igowsky
- Jeff Jagmin
- Monica Kupsco
- Alicia McCarthy
- Kevin Parmelee
- Lisa Ragaza
- Michael Smith
- Erin Stamey
- Richard Tewes
- John Wang
Forensic Document Examination Consensus Body
The Forensic Document Examination Consensus Body focuses on standards and guidelines related to the forensic analysis, comparison, and evaluation of documents.
- Jannie Bester
- Ted Burkes
- Timothy Campbell
- Khody Detwiler
- Marie Durina
- Cami Fuglsby
- Mark Goff
- Lisa Hanson
- Patrick Juola
- Diane Kruger
- Kevin P Kulbacki
- Melanie Maness
- Carl McClary
- Ken Melson
- Sandra Miller Raudabaugh
- Mylene A Signori
- David Tobin
- Thomas Vastrick
- Kesha T White
- David Zweig
Forensic Odontology Consensus Body
The Forensic Odontology Consensus Body develops standards and guidelines related to the practice of forensic dentistry.
- Elif Aksoylu
- Kenneth W Aschheim
- Steven Byers
- Susan Chandler
- Mary Cimrmancic
- Robert Dorion
- M. Chris Fabricant
- Phyllis Ho
- John B. Nase
- Lillian Nawrocki
- Cristiana Palmela Pereira
- Haskell Pitluck
- Mithun Rajshekar
- Lindsay Spears
- David Wold
Friction Ridge Consensus Body
The Friction Ridge Consensus Body focuses on standards and guidelines related to the forensic examination of friction ridge detail from the hands and feet.
- Kelsey Bissonnette
- Brianne Breedlove
- Steven Brock
- Simon Cole
- Nicolas Craven
- Heidi Eldridge
- Melissa Gische
- Samantha Heise
- Mandi Hornickel
- Cindy Hull
- Steven Johnson
- Aldo Mattei
- J. Christopher McKee
- Elizabeth Molina
- Kenneth Moses
- David Stoney
- Henry Swofford
- Michele Triplett
- Raymond Valerio
- Amy Watroba
Mass Fatality Management and Disaster Victim Identification (MFM-DVI)
The Mass Fatality Management and Disaster Victim Identification (MFM-DVI) Consensus Body focuses on standards and guidelines related to fatality management of a mass fatality incident that involves the scientific identification of human remains.
- Wm. Nelson Barnes
- Gary Berman
- Tracey Bloomfield-McTavish
- Jason Byrd
- Giancarlo Di Vella
- Taylor Dickerson III
- Jennifer Dupre
- Anthony Falsetti
- Cynthia Gavin
- Bryan Johnson
- Richard Marx
- Daniel Morgan
- Diane Stephens
- Tiffany Williams
Medicolegal Death Investigation Consensus Body
The Medicolegal Death Investigation Consensus Body focuses on standards and guidelines related to sudden, unnatural, unexplained or suspicious deaths, including homicides, suicides, unintentional fatal injuries, drug-related deaths and other deaths that are sudden or unexpected; determination of the cause and manner of death.
- Keith Findley
- John Fudenberg
- James Gill
- Jennifer Hammers
- Amy Hawes
- Heather Jarrell
- Kelly Keyes
- Laureen Marinetti
- Lauri McGivern
- Lara Newell
- Elizabeth Ortiz
- Michelle Rippy
- Paul Uribe
- Tabitha Viner
Toxicology Consensus Body
The Toxicology Consensus Body focuses on standards and guidelines related to the analysis of biological samples for alcohol, drugs, or poisons, and the interpretation of these results.
- Randall Beaty
- Leslie Edinboro
- Kenneth E Ferslew
- Michele Glinn
- Sabra Jones
- Matthew Juhascik
- Joe Kahl
- Melissa Kennedy
- Sean Kocur
- Alex Krotulski
- Elzbieta (Ella) Kubicz
- Marc LeBeau
- Rachel Lieberman
- Jennifer Limoges
- Matthew Myers
- Suman Rana
- Darcy Richardson
- Robert Sears
- Brian Shaffer
- Michael Stypa
- Jeff Walterscheid
- Dustin Yeatman
Wildlife Forensics Consensus Body
The wildlife consensus body focuses on standards and guidelines regarding the application of forensic sciences to investigations involving animals and plants, including applications such as taxonomic identification, individualization, geographic origin, and veterinary examinations.
- Tasha Bauman
- Jason Brooks
- Jason Byrd
- Jennifer Dupre
- Kimberly Frazier
- Sandra Koch
- Beverly McEwen
- Katherine (Kathy) Moore
- Megan Stolen
- Nidhi Subhashini