
Membership Requirements

This page outlines the different requirements for each section as they pertain to certain status levels. In addition to the section requirements, you must also meet the academy-wide requirements which are outlined on the membership page. The first step in applying for AAFS membership is to identify which section you are best suited for. The second step is to identify which status category is most appropriate. View benefits of being a member and more!


Academy Requirements

Trainee Affiliate status is limited to persons who have completed the educational requirements, but not the experience requirements for Associate Member in the section to which application is being made. Both at the time of application and at the time the application is being considered for approval, applicants for Trainee Affiliate status must be actively working toward completion of the experience requirements by participating in a training program or employment that supports a forensic science career accepted by the section. Each Trainee Affiliate must certify eligibility annually.