The Warren-Young Scholarship
This award is designed to encourage forensic science education at the middle and high school level and is intended to provide funds to purchase supplies, equipment, or reference materials to support forensic science education in teaching basic scientific principles. Applications will be judged based on how the funds will further the goals of the Foundation. Priority will be given to programs with apparent financial need and those that provide forensic science education in underserved population areas.
Scholarship Award
The Warren-Young Scholarship will receive funds up to $3,000; a complimentary registration to attend one AAFS Annual Scientific Conference and the Student Academy, including two free nights of hotel accommodations; and a scholarship to attend one Forensic Science Education Conference (FSEC).
Submission Requirements:
- Only middle or high school science teachers are eligible for the Scholarship Award. "Science teachers" include any teachers who teach at least one course per school year that is primarily focused on forensic science, chemistry, biology, physics, computer science, or engineering.
- Letter from Teacher — submit a letter that identifies:
- Teacher's name
- School name
- Grades and classes taught, and
- Description of how the grant funds (e.g., tentative budget) and forensic science knowledge are/will be used in teaching basic scientific principles.
- Teacher Certifications — submit copies of current teaching certifications.
- Course Description — submit course announcements or proposed syllabus. Please advise if this will be the first time the curriculum will be presented or if this is an annual curriculum. Please advise if the course will be utilizing an outside source for guest lecturing (e.g., discipline experts).
- Demonstration of Financial Need and Support for Forensic Science Education — submit a letter from a school administration official concerning the level of financial need and the current availability of forensic science education (e.g., percentage of student body that qualifies for free lunches).
Submission Deadline:
All submissions must be received and completed by May 1 (11:59 p.m. MDT). Please submit the aforementioned Warren-Young Scholarship Requirements electronically (with attachments in pdf format) to Kimberly Wrasse at kwrasse@aafs.org. The FSF will confirm receipt of all submissions within two business days. If confirmation is not received, the applicant should contact Kimberly Wrasse to verify receipt. Applicants will be notified of the committee decision by June 1.