FEPAC News—UCO Receives Full FEPAC Accreditation for Its Forensic Science Program
The mission of the Forensic Science Education Programs Commission (FEPAC) is to enhance the quality of forensic science education through a formal evaluation and recognition of college-level academic programs.
The University of Central Oklahoma, directed by Dwight Adams, PhD, Fellow of the AAFS Criminalistics Section, has received full FEPAC accreditation for both the undergraduate and graduate forensic science programs.
The university was first awarded full accreditation for its BSFS program with concentrations in Chemistry, Molecular Biology, and Digital Forensics in 2013. In 2023, full accreditation was awarded for its MSFS program with the same concentrations.
In 2006, Dr. Adams, the program director for both programs, first started serving FEPAC as an on-site evaluator. In 2017, he joined the FEPAC team as a commissioner and ultimately served as FEPAC Chair from 2019 through 2021.
The program was recently highlighted in Forensic®. Select ForensicMag to access the full article.
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