FEPAC Announces Approved Accreditation Applications for 2023/24

FEPAC's primary mission is to maintain and enhance the quality of forensic science education through a formal evaluation and accreditation system for college-level academic programs that lead to a baccalaureate or graduate degree.
FEPAC accredits forensic science education programs that lead to a bachelor's or master's degree in forensic science or in a natural or computer science with a forensic science concentration.
FEPAC also accredits programs that will lead to a bachelor's degree in crime scene investigations. Eligible programs must be located in a regionally accredited institution of higher education that requires state, province, or equivalent approval.
The Forensic Science Education Programs Accreditation Commission (FEPAC) has reviewed all applications received for the 2023/24 review cycle and approved the following programs for the self-study review:
Bowling Green State University
Master of Science in Forensic Science
Bowling Green, OH
SUNY Buffalo State University
Bachelor of Science in Forensic Chemistry
Buffalo, NY
Fayetteville State University
Bachelor of Science in Forensic Science
Fayetteville, NC
Indiana University Purdue University, Indiana
Master of Science in Forensic Science
Indianapolis, IN
​New Jersey Institute of Technology
Bachelor of Science in Forensic Science
Newark, NJ
St. Edward's University
Bachelor of Science in Forensic Science
Austin, TX
University of New Haven
Bachelor of Science in Forensic Science
Master of Science in Forensic Science
West Haven, CT
University of North Texas
Bachelor of Science in Biology, Biochemistry, or Chemistry
Denton, TX
For additional information on accreditation and detailed FEPAC requirements, please review the FEPAC Accreditation Standards. FEPAC Accreditation. Here you will find the FEPAC Standards, FEPAC Policies & Procedures, and other documents related to FEPAC accreditation.
Please forward you questions to Nancy Jackson at the njackson@aafs.org.
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